Term 2
This term we will be developing the children’s knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
The types of writing covered this term will be:
The Art of Persuasion - Genre: Persuasive writing
During the unit, the children will explore the many different ways in which the written and spoken word can be used to persuade others. They will then create two brochures.
Moving Pictures - Genre: Film narrative
During the unit, the class will study a short animated film without dialogue, considering how the story is told through pictures and music. They will then develop a screenplay of their own, based on a significant moment in their lives.
Tales in Verse - Genre: Classic and narrative poetry
This unit is designed to last two weeks. During the unit, the children will look at two classic narrative poems. They will then write a poem of their own, based on the poem Eldorado.
The children will learn mental and written strategies in these topic areas:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division.
- Fractions and Decimals: (Ordering and adding decimals).
- 3D Shape. (Faces, edges and vertices, polyhedra)
- Rotation, Position, Direction and Coordinates.
- Area and Perimeter.
- Line Graphs.
- Choosing strategies to solve problems.
- Properties of Number. (Divisibility Tests, Factors)
- Place Value including negative numbers.
During this term we will be studying;
Keeping Healthy
1. Introduction
2. A poor diet
3. A varied diet
4. Exercising
5. The heart and lungs
6. Measuring pulse rate
7. Fast and slow pulse rates
8. Exercise and pulse rate
http://www.nickcorben.com/plansci.htm provides more information, website links, games and videos
Changing State
1. Introduction
2. Water evaporation
3. Evaporation of other liquids
4. Planning to investigate evaporation
5. Interpreting results on evaporation
6. Drying and evaporation
7. Condensation
8. Finding condensation
9. Boiling
10. Observing melting
11. Reversible changes of state
12. The water cycle
http://www.nickcorben.com/plansci.htm provides more information, website links, games and videos
Design Technology
How could a carrier make the job easier?
Children will have lots of experience of carrying things for themselves. In this unit they will learn:
- about the problems of carrying
- the structure and nets of paper carrier bags
- to investigate the performance of paper carrier bags
- about the appearance and sustainability of bags used for shopping
Social Studies
During this term we will be studying: Water
The unit will provide children with opportunities to answer the following questions:
· Where can we find water locally? Where can we find water in the world?
- How does water get to where it is needed?
- Who uses water? What do they use it for?
- Is all water usable? How can water be made usable? What jobs are involved in providing our water?
- Who owns water? Who pays for water?
- How do people and animals survive in extreme environments with or without water?
Religious Education
The Christian Bible
During the unit of work, the children will be able:
- To discuss how the bible is organized and what it consists of.
- To use the bible as a reference tool to find specific information.
- To explain the bible’s development over time.
- To discuss characters of the bible and their importance.
- To discuss the importance of prayer in all religions, particularly the language and meaning.
Communication functions to be covered during Term 2 are: describing myself (hair and eyes colour, personality); expressing likes and dislikes; talking about school subjects and timetable; describing clothes.
The topics are: adjectives about personality; food and drinks (French “café” food and drinks, plus expansion); school subjects; time and timetable; clothing.
Year 5 will experience a French “café” experience: they will create and perform a skit set in a French “café” and will be able to taste some French food.
Pupils will develop an understanding of African masks, how they are made, what they represent and what they are used for. Pupils will develop their ceramics skills to create a draped slab African Mask. They will learn that different materials can be used together to create a complete artefact. Pupils will add various natural materials to their fired clay to create an authentic looking African mask.
We will begin the term with a unit on spreadsheets. Students will be responsible for creating a financial spreadsheet model for a fictitious party. After the spreadsheet is completed, the students will create a menu for the party using Microsoft Publisher.
Non-Korean Speakers
They will broaden vocabulary learning by topics and practise using them in daily short conversations. They will continue to practise acquiring accurate pronunciation, reading and writing as well.
Korean Speakers
Year 5 Korean speakers will practise reading, comprehending and writing simple paragraphs. They will build up writing skills without making spelling errors. Year 5 students will develop accurate conversation through the lessons.
Year 5 will study Timbre and Rhythm through composing and listening activities using the Music Search Activities. They will also explore music technology using a variety of software. They will explore music for film and television and compose their own scores. They will sing songs from different times and places.
Physical Education
4 weeks - Football In this unit pupils will learn to :Perform with accuracy, confidence and control. Know the difference between attacking and defending skills. Choose the skills that meet the needs of the situation. Choose different positions to play within the teams. Will develop knowledge of how and when to help when attacking. Know and find ways of getting the ball to the opponents’ goal. Know how to mark. Know defending principles. They will be able to suggest and explain ways of warming up. Will be able to explain how specific things are being done. Explain good performance.
3 weeks - Badminton/Short Tennis. In this unit children develop the range and quality of their skills when playing games using rackets. They also learn specific tactics and skills for games such as short tennis and badminton. In all games activities, children have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In net/wall games, players achieve this by sending a ball (or other implement) towards a court or target area which their opponent is defending. The aim is to get the ball to land in the target area and make it difficult for the opponent to return it.
3 weeks – Volleyball - In this unit the children have to think about how they use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. In net games, players achieve this by sending a ball (or other implement) towards a court or target area which their opponent is defending. The aim is to get the ball to land in the target area and make it difficult for the opponent to return it.
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