
Week 7

Page history last edited by Mr Corben 15 years, 4 months ago

















Social Studies



Religious Education






2D shape


 Rehearse ‘horizontal’ & ‘vertical’ ‘parallel’ &  ‘perpendicular’


 Identify parallel & perpendicular lines

 Rehearse names & properties of 2-D shapes


Rehearse regular, irregular polygons


Introduce diagonals of polygons



Life Cycles



To identify the different stages of a plant’s life cycle



To explain the importance of flowering plants





To evaluate their teas





To discuss worship in general, where do people of all religions go?



To write down the daily rituals of temple and personal worship and compare them











How to Have Fun!




Weeks 7 and 8





1.      Speaking: Use and explore the different ways words are used, including in formal and informal contexts



2.      Listening and responding: Identify some aspects of talk that vary between formal and informal occasions



3.      Group discussion and interaction: Plan and manage a group task over time; Understand the process of decision making



4.      Understanding and interpreting: Compare different types of information texts and identify how they are structured



5.      Creating and shaping texts: Reflect independently and critically on their own writing and edit and improve it; Adapt non-narrative forms and styles to write fiction or factual texts, including poems



6.      Sentence structure and punctuation: Adapt sentence construction to different text types, purposes and readers






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