Measure- Length and weight
Use, read & write standard units of length & convert smaller to larger units & vice versa
Suggest suitable units and tools to measure diff lengths
Measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre
Measure the weight of several objects using scales.
To explain the pattern and time-scale of the changes in the Moon’s appearance over 28 days
To describe the different appearances of the Moon over 28 days
To know that we only see one side of the moon
To make and serve their hot drinks to the specifications of parents
To complete ‘tasting notes’ worksheet on peer teas
To know about the role of the theatre in the way of life of the Greeks
To structure work in the form of a play
To recognise and label the main features of a Greek theatre
To understand the religious connections between theatre and religious festivals
To find out the sorts of plays the Greeks liked and who wrote them
To read, discuss and compare different versions of the same story
To discuss reasons why the stories differ
To order the story correctly and re-write it in their own words
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