Multiplication and Division
Mentally recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
Multiply by zero.
Mentally recall multiplication facts; derive division facts
Rehearse the concept of a remainder when dividing
Double nos
Divide, writing the remainder as a fraction or a decimal
Round up or down after dividing, appropriate
To know the shape of the Earth, Sun and Moon
To calculate the difference in sizes between them
To know the relative sizes of the Sun, Moon and Earth
To use primary and secondary sources to locate information about tea
To write facts in their own words and make an interesting poster
To know what is meant by democracy
To know that Athens and Sparta were city states and governed themselves
To understand some of the ideas of people living in Athens and Sparta
To distinguish between the beliefs of the Athenians and Spartans and know some reasons why they held those beliefs
To use an atlas to identify important cities, rivers and mountain ranges in India
To use the internet or library books to answer questions on Hinduism around the world
Comments (2)
Michael Woo parents said
at 6:53 pm on Aug 20, 2009
Thank you for your enthusiasm and diligence in developing and maintaining such a wonderful source of information.
Mr Corben said
at 7:35 pm on Aug 20, 2009
My pleasure
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