
Week 1

Page history last edited by Mr Corben 15 years, 6 months ago

















Social Studies



Religious Education







Place Value



Recognise place value in large nos



Rehearse place value in5-digit nos



Give one more or one less than any whole no up to million



Round 3-digit nos to the nearest 10



Read, write, order, compare whole nos using <, >, =



Round whole nos less than 1000 to nearest 10 or 100


Earth Sun and Moon



To discuss the concepts related to the Earth, Sun and Moon



To draw and label a diagram showing the earth and moon orbiting the sun









How do you take your tea?



To discuss the drinks the children’s families enjoy and why



To taste a variety of teas made of fruits and herbs and make comments



To conduct a survey

Ancient Greece



About the location, climate and terrain of Greece



To place the ancient Greek civilisation in time



That the ancient Greek civilisation occurred ‘Before Christ’



That ancient Greece consisted of city states






To discuss how children think religions were formed and developed



To design and make a topic book front cover, focussing on layout and presentation








Literacy is taught in units which last over a week. The first one will last for three weeks.







Learning Objectives





Daring adventures

Recounts and news reports



Weeks 1, 2, 3



1.     Speaking: Use and explore different question types and different ways words are used, including in formal and informal contexts


2.     Listening and responding: Identify different question types and evaluate their impact on the audience; Identify some aspects of talk that vary between formal and informal occasions


3.     Group discussion and interaction: Plan and manage a group task over time using different levels of planning; Understand different ways to take the lead and support others in groups; Understand the process of decision making


4.     Drama: Reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues


5.     Word structure and spelling: Know and use less common prefixes such as im-, ir-


6.     Understanding and interpreting texts: Make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas; Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured


7.     Creating and shaping texts: Reflect independently and critically on own writing and edit and improve it


8.     Text structure and organisation: Experiment with the order of sections and paragraphs to, achieve different effects


9.     Sentence structure and punctuation: Adapt sentence construction to different text types, purposes and reader; Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophes 

10.   Presentation: Use a range of ICT programs to present texts, making informed choices of which electronic tools to use for different purposes 



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