
Water letter

Page history last edited by Mr Corben 14 years, 12 months ago


Water Treatment Plant

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Next week, on Tuesday morning on the 2nd of February, Year 5 will be visiting a water treatment plant in Seoul. This short visit is to support our current Social Studies unit on Water. It will allow students to see where our used water goes, and how it is treated before it is released.

Students will be departing school at 9:00 am and will be returning at approximately 12:30pm.  Students will have a late lunch and will go to the cafeteria to eat there a little later than usual.  There is no cost for the day. For the excursion students will need a snack that can be eaten on the bus.

Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to accompany us on the day.

From the Year 5 Social Studies teachers

Elizabeth Poustie and Fiona Scott


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