
Term 2 Week 1

Page history last edited by Mr Corben 15 years, 1 month ago

























Number sequences, common multiples



Count on or back in steps of constant size



Construct number sequences



Recognise patterns in number sequences



Intro the concept of common multiples



Rehearse common multiples

and multiples of nos to 10

Keeping Healthy



To ascertain children’s knowledge on healthy eating



To discuss ideas and produce a mind map of current knowledge



To describe how an imaginative idea about the relationship of diet to health was tested



How could a carrier make the job easier?



To discuss how to carry objects in different ways (relate to carrying different things in different places round the world)



To identify the muscles or body parts used when lifting



To evaluate different carrying devices and explain their thoughts













Learning Objectives



The Art of Persuasion

Persuasive writing



Weeks 1-5



5 weeks



Speaking: Present a spoken argument, sequencing points logically, defending views with evidence and making use of persuasive language



Listening and responding: Analyse the use of persuasive language



Group discussion and interaction: Plan and manage a group task over time using different levels of planning



Drama: Reflect on how working in role helps to explore complex issues



Understanding and interpreting texts: Make notes on and use evidence from across a text to explain events or ideas; Infer

writers’ perspectives from what is written and from what is implied; Explore how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects



Creating and shaping texts: Reflect independently and critically on their own writing and edit and improve it



Text structure and organisation: Experiment with the order of sections and paragraphs to achieve different effects; Change the order of material within a paragraph, moving the topic sentence



Sentence structure and punctuation: Adapt sentence construction to different text types, purposes and readers




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