14th September 2009
In the morning at school after we got our temperature checked, we had numeracy class because literacy was canceled .We did divisions again and we also talked about equivalent fractions. It was easy and fun!
For a while now the school swapped break and snack time so we had break first. During snack time while we were eating, people practiced their house captain speech one by one in front of the class. Then we made comments so that they could do better in the afternoon. I thought everyone’s speech was very good.
Soon snack was over and Mr. Corben explained about our homework, he is very humorous and organized. We also did some neat handwriting activities. The activity was so fun that before I knew it, it was time for lunch.
Today the whole 5C sat on one table together, but Ashley and I had to leave early because of soccer practice. While Ashley practiced soccer with her teammates, me and some other friends played soccer just for fun.
After lunch break we went to the library and we got our templates for our bookmark contest. I could tell that the whole class was excited!
Next we had a boy girl challenge and we tied although Mr. Corben was in the girl’s team but we at least got over ten words.
Time passed very quickly and we went to vote for our house captains. In the Yonsei tigers Jacques probably won, almost the whole team voted for him!
Finally the election was over and school ended me and some other people were going to choir, the first practice was pretty fun!
15th September 2009
In the morning at school after we got our temperature checked, we had Korean class. Surprisingly Mathew was in there too. It was strange because he knows Korean but then he told me that he understands it but he can't read it.After the Korean class we got some homework from the Korean teacher; it was easy.
Then we had library. When we finished listening Miss Ham everybody stood up and sat down to read. Sadly we had to go back to class again because it was fun reading the books.
When we came back it was math time. We had to write the times tables at the back of our math book, it was sort of a race. It was easy and fun.
It was finally break time I was starving but first we had to play. Instead of going out and play Jasmine and I went to the computer class to do our poster homework. Then the bell rang and we all went in class to eat our snacks.
After that we had music we were in diffrent groups. We had to do a performance with the piano, guitar and other stuff. My group performance was funny because we had a funny song in it. I liked the others too.
It was finally lunch time. I had a pack lunch, I ate some yummy pasta. I played tag after eating it was so fun.
Play time was over. Now it was homework time. We all sat on the carpet and Mr.Corben explained our homework. Then we did part of our homework by taking notes from the tea information that we had printed out.
Then we went in our bags to get our script.We went through it. It only took us about nine or eight minutes.
After all of that we did science. We had to draw diagrams. At first Mr.Corben showed me how to use a compass. Then I tried it was a bit hard but then I got used to it.
After all of that it was the end of the day. I was so tired.
16th September 2009
Today was the first day of the book festival, the theme was Shake Rattle and Read. Mr. Corben was Shake, Mr. Melmoth was Rattle and Ms. Reed was Read. We dressed up as book characters and I dressed up as a figure skater from White Boots. It was very exciting!
We went in to our classrooms, and because Mr. Corben had to go around to other classrooms, Mrs. Robinson came in instead. We did fun activities and also played Pictionary, which got pretty hard but was still fun. When we were about to move on to the next activity Mr. Corben, Ms. Reed and Mr. Melmoth came in and we had a great dance competition. Serene and Royce won and got a lollypop, and on the way out Mr. Corben reminded us that it was time for art.
In art we continued drawing a pineapple, and I almost finished mine. At the end of the class we threw away the pineapples because it was rotten. Mrs. Corben said that it was here for a long time. No wonder the color changed from green to yellowish-brown and the leaves turned brownish as well.
Afterwards it was break time, and I played with Ashley, Yasmeen and Seung Bin. Together we played “don’t touch the ground.” Like usual, lots of boys played soccer. After a hot and fun break time, we ate snack but we had to hurry up eating because there was only five minutes left.
After snack time when we were in our classroom we decided who were the best dressed girl and boy. Unfortunately for me, Emily and Jacques won. Jacques dressed as James Bond and Emily as the Worst Witch.
The following activity was the book quiz, one question was quite tricky but the others were fine. I could tell that the class was waiting for the results but Mr. Corben said that we would have to wait.
When the book quiz was over, we checked our homework and I got them all right! So I was in a good mood when it was time for lunch. The lunch lady told me that I have to charge my lunch money tomorrow. As usual we had play time. When break was over we had social studies with Ms. Scott. We talked about democracy, some other words like monarchy, and how other city states of
Greece were ruled.
We had two hours of social studies and school was finished!
17th september 2009
Today is the second day of the book festival,we had to dress up with disco clothes.I was so excited of what we will do today in class.Again Mr.Corben was shake so Mrs.Robinson was our teacher again just for the morning.When we went in class we got our books out and read it until Mrs.Robinson had arrived.When Mrs.Robinson came we played Pictionary again group three won.I was not in group three so I was sad that they won the game.After that lot of fun Mrs.Robinson read us a story.It was about a boy who didn't want a sister so he left home.It was really fun but I wanted to know more about the story but we ran out of time because Mr.Corben finished going around the classes and dance.
Mr.Corben was all wet because he was sweating.Because Mr.Corben is so organize he brought in a nice clean and fresh t-shirt that he changed and he put it on instead of having a smelly t-shirt.After that he changed we had our spelling test it was hard.
Then it was play time we went out to play. I played tag with Jasmine and with other friends.When the bell ran to line up Jasmine was IT so if we are going to play at lunch time she is going to be IT.When we came back in the class room we had to eat snack really quickly because we had to go to French.At French we learned how to say numbers from 1 to 31 in French.For me it was quite easy because I am Italian so the numbers are similar to Italian.Then we had lunch.
At lunch I sat beside Serene my friend and Emily that she is my friend too.THen me and Jasmine didn't want to play tag so we played with Ashely.She was playing girls catch boys.
Then we went to the disco I danced and danced with Serene.After that we went to assembly.AT the start it was quite boring then at the end it was fun.After that it was the end of the school.
Comments (10)
Mr Corben said
at 7:26 pm on Sep 16, 2009
Girls, excellent diary writing. Good feelings expressed too.
Tawan Banyatpiyaphod parents said
at 9:45 pm on Sep 16, 2009
Jules, I really enjoyed reading your diary today. Sounded really fun to play with your group of friends. Your writing is so descriptive, really get the picture while reading it.
Ashley Chang said
at 7:56 am on Sep 18, 2009
great job!
Jacques Meldrum said
at 9:50 am on Sep 18, 2009
Nice one ;-(
Caroline Tessy said
at 2:31 pm on Sep 27, 2009
Amelie Steck said
at 6:07 pm on Sep 27, 2009
Jules Lee said
at 8:12 pm on Oct 8, 2009
Jasmine Smith said
at 4:29 pm on Oct 27, 2009
Bora Yagiz said
at 7:14 pm on Nov 11, 2009
paolaberardi said
at 2:09 pm on Jan 22, 2011
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