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Saved by Mr Corben
on May 3, 2010 at 9:53:21 am

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Subject: URGENT - Parent help required for upcoming school events

  Hi to all parents


I appreciate how busy life is at this time of the year, but the PTA has requested we contact parents again to seek their support for upcoming events, in particular the International Fair on Saturday 15 May.
Listed below are the events/activities where we urgently need your support. I appreciate many parents are away for FOBISSEA the weekend of the International Fair, but perhaps you could consider helping with the BBQ and/or the Sports day (see details below)
If you can let me know where you can help, I would really appreciate it.

International Fair - Saturday 15th May from 11.00am - 3.00pm

1. Donate gently used toys or books for the prize stall - Yes/No

2. Each child is being asked to donate a small item for the Theme Basket Silent Auction. Year 5 are asked to bring in one new item relevant for Game Day eg. cards, darts, UNO, Jacks, yo-yo, rubiks cube, board games, puzzles, brain teasers. Could you please give these to Mr Corben next week. Thank you!

3. Volunteer to help out on the Prize Stall - Yes/No. If yes, what time suits (between 11.00am and 3.00pm)?
4. Volunteer to help out on either of the two Year 4, 5 and 6 games: We need two adults per game per hour

Hula Game

10.30-11.30am (help to set up with Rachel Lycett)
11.30- 12.30
14.30-15.30 (help clean up)

Sponge & Bucket Game



10.30-11.30am (help to set up)
11.30- 12.30
14.30-15.30 (help clean up with Rachel Lycett)

British School BBQ - Tuesday 8th JuneThis is the British school's end of year BBQ. Can anyone please help out on the day with cooking sausages and serving food? Yes/No?




KS2 Sports Morning - Thursday 20th MayParent volunteers are needed to help run the activities. Can you help? Yes/No?



Thanks again for your support.  I am sure you will agree that we need to share the workload so that it doesn't fall on just a few parents.
I look forward to your response.
Sue Meldrum
Class Parent - Year 5C


International Fair information  

Upcoming events for 2010


Pirate photos! http://picasaweb.google.com/nickcorben/Pirates# 


Dates for the future  









Curriculum Information 

Term 3 Curriculum information is posted 

5C Learning objectives term 3.docx

Curriculum Overview Year 5.doc


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