Welcome to 5C's Wiki
It's an online space for students to publish work, share news and be creative!
"You can't spell TEACH, without T-E-C-H!"
Calling all Swimmers! Calling all Swimmers!
SFS Spring Age Group Swim Invitational
When: 8th May 2010 9- 5pm.
Who:All SFS swimmers 5-18 year olds.
How: Swim Meet Information, the Event list and Entry Forms are all available on Edline. If you are having difficulty accessing this information, please collect an entry form from the pool office. All entry forms are due at the pool office by Friday April 30th. Entries will only be accepted after this date if there is room in the event.
French Videos
International Fair information
Upcoming events for 2010
Pirate photos! http://picasaweb.google.com/nickcorben/Pirates#
Residential food menu Meals for Residential.doc
Residential TIMETABLE 2010.doc
Dates for the future
April 28-30th 2010, Year 5 Residential at Taechon Beach
Curriculum Information
Term 3 Curriculum information is posted
5C Learning objectives term 3.docx
Curriculum Overview Year 5.doc
20 house points - Matthew, Omar
30 house point club - Jasmine, Caroline, Michael K, Jacques, Max
40 house point club - AnnaRose, Blake, Michael W, Emily,Taiga, Bora
50 house point club - Royce, Fuad, Tawan,Jules, Ashley, Serene, Paola
Find out what else is going on in SFBS Wiki World. Join these wikis..
4M http://mrmelmoth4m2009.pbworks.com
4R http://msreed4r2009.pbworks.com
5P http://misspoustie5p.pbworks.com
5C http://mrcorben5c2009.pbworks.com
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