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Your task is to make a collaborative presentation on the science unit – Life Cycles. You may use any of the Web 2.0 tools you know how to use, eg. Vuvox, glogster or any programs you are familiar with eg. powerpoint. Your work will be collated onto one wiki page, and will cover the following aspects.
DUE DATE: Tuesday 15th December 2009
Life cyclesSeed dispersal Germination Flower Structure Pollination Fertilisation
Term 1 Curriculum information is postedTerm 1 Year 5
10 house point club - Bora Yagiz, Jacques Meldrum, Caroline Tessy, Blake Craig, Michael Kimber, Michael Woo, Emily Hasegawa, Matthew Chung, AnnaRose Keating
20 house point club - Ashley Chang, Poala Berardi, Fuad Hussain, Jules Lee, Jasmine Smith, Max Lee, Royce Chang, Taiga Hanafusa, Serene Lin
30 house point club - Tawan Banyatiyaphod
5C Class Assembly is Wednesday 14 April 2010 - Pirates of Grammar Island, 2.20pm Robb Hall
April 28-30th 2010, Year 5 Residential at Taechon Beach
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