
bora and michael

Page history last edited by Michael Woo 15 years, 1 month ago


January 11

January 12 

January 13

January 14

January 15


October 19, 2009

Today was awesome, I didn't need to get dressed because it was PJ day today and everybody was looking good. We started the day with numeracy. I thought it was pretty easy and with Mr. Corbens humor it was even more fun. I enjoyed that.

Next we had literacy, we had to create a mythical monster, which of course everyone got excited about. We had to draw the monsters picture and write about its career, his personality, what cool things there are about it, mine was called Crisionous (kri) (sy) (nus). That was so fun!

We had break next, me Tawan Taiga and my other friends had a soccer match. afterwards we went indoors for snack we got dressed for P.E and rushed down the stairs to the green room. We were expecting to play some sports or something but instead we had Scottish dancing practice for our saint Patrick’s ball, which would be on November. We had fun dancing even though other people weren’t so happy to here we would be doing Scottish dancing.:)

We went to eat lunch next; boy I was hungry! We went outside, and carried on our soccer game. We had D.T next which was SUPER FUN we had been studying tea and today we made tea for other teachers. We had little menus and asked what type they wanted and all that then with our orders we ran off to our classroom made the tea and finally we served it to the teachers. People who finished quickly made themselves their own  (I did). That was pretty much our day.  


October 20, 2009 


Today was another fun and wacky day; we had beach day even though it was 13 degrees outside.  We had a quick play and then headed inside.


We started the day with literacy. We checked and finished off our mythical monster and I had finished early so I coloured.  When everybody else finished, the bell rang and Mr. Corben told us to head up to music with Dr. Knight. 


Last lesson in music,  we had composed a war song that was sad, it was about a war (we made it up).

Today we had to make a made up version the song “In the jungle” we got into groups I was with Tawan, Max, Ashley and Jules we didn’t perform today though because we just thought how we’d do it and practiced a few times. So it wasn’t as fun as it usually is.

We had play time next. We had a soccer game of “who ever scores is goalie". 

We went indoors for snack next boy I sure was hungry. We had P.E after wher we practiced Scottish dancing. Dancing really isn’t my thing but we still had fun, the bell rang and we all went outside for lunch yum! Then we went out for play we carried on our soccer game we were paying before. Soon the bell rang and we went inside.


We had numeracy next for some people it was hard but we still finished without having much problems.


Finally we had science. Science is one of my best subjects so it was fun and easy and was pretty much our day.



October 21


  Well, my day started out with a hectic beginning, mainly because I was late for school. This meant that I had to quickly dash out through the door and make my way in a jiffy, even though it was freezing outside of the door. Luckily, I didn’t catch frost bites or a runny nose, which was how the morning started out for me.


When I finally arrived to school, we started out class by doing literacy on a specific topic about the Minotaur, which is found in a Greek myth called Theseus and the Minotaur. Along with literacy, our class also got to read varieties of Greek stories that Mr. Corben borrowed from the library. Finally, the bell rung for recess and everyone scrammed through the door.


When recess ended, we continued to read in our books until Mr. Corben told us to pause for a bit. Our class then ended up in the library, which today we had the beginning of this year’s book festival. At first, I was quite confused on why there was such a commotion but I was told later about the event. We also did a boys and girls challenge on the team who made up the most bi words. Hopefully, the boys were victorious, and the points was ten to seven, and which the boys (including myself) will receive a prize.


At the end of the day, we had an assembly about the bible where we were told about a few morals. Finally, the day ended well and our class was soon departed for the people who were going to the bus and the students who were to be driven back home





October 22


Today, my morning started out like a regular beginning, except for the part when I had to get my costume ready for student and teacher switch day. That was when the whole house seemed to be in chaos. When I was finally on my way to school, I felt quite awkward because it seemed as if the hill was larger than yesterday. Only was it then that I found out that it was my backpack that was weighing me down, (not to mention that my little sister purposely put her belongings in my bag).


After I found about the incident, I finally arrived to school at about 8:00am, which was right on time.  When our class temperature was checked, we did Korean which wasn’t really my thing. My group had to read some stories, which I’m only going to tell you once…I hate reading in Korean!


When Korean was over, we went to the library to inform or buy our books, which the books I bought was “Diary of the wimpy kid (dog days)” and the complete series for the “National geographic kids magazines”. After we completed in buying or saving our books, we did some literacy on the topic of Theseus and the Minotaur. We first had to make a graph of what Theseus would have felt before the day of his slaughter and the point of the lover of Theseus. Once we finished the graph, our whole class had to do play of Theseus and the Minotaur. I had to admit that it was quite fun.


At the end of the day, Mr. Corben handed out rewards for the boys who won the yesterdays challenge, which was a creamy nut chocolate bar. It was delicious! Finally, the bell rung and all the students scattered towards their car or their bus.









Comments (18)

Mr Corben said

at 7:55 pm on Oct 21, 2009

Well written Bora. Just tidy up the paragraphs and punctuation.

Emily Hasegawa said

at 7:56 pm on Oct 21, 2009

cool but i think you have to fix some mistakes...........

Emily Hasegawa said

at 7:57 pm on Oct 21, 2009

bora you spelled looking as lookin....

Taiga Hanafusa said

at 8:09 pm on Oct 21, 2009

nice job

Jacques Meldrum said

at 7:46 pm on Oct 24, 2009

Emily lookin is a slang phrase for looking but yes apart from that its good!

Bora Yagiz said

at 12:08 pm on Oct 26, 2009

if I try to do paragraphs Michael's diary keeps on messing up

Bora Yagiz said

at 12:08 pm on Oct 26, 2009

i dont know why

Serene Lin said

at 4:50 pm on Nov 1, 2009

Great ! keep on the good work!

Taiga Hanafusa said

at 6:56 pm on Jan 11, 2010

Nice video diary Michael

Mr Corben said

at 9:04 pm on Jan 11, 2010

Great job

Mr Corben said

at 9:08 pm on Jan 11, 2010

Very professional

Bora Yagiz said

at 5:05 pm on Jan 12, 2010


Omar Toubassy said

at 5:15 pm on Jan 12, 2010

i keep making mistakes on the thing!

Taiga Hanafusa said

at 8:55 pm on Jan 12, 2010

Nice Bora itouch looks cool

Jasmine Smith said

at 6:50 pm on Jan 13, 2010

wat thing omar

Michael Woo said

at 10:17 pm on Jan 15, 2010

Everyone who ssaw my diary today, I apoligize if it didn't show me while I was saying the diary, because I used the IPhone toady. It takes a while to syncc.

Anna Rose Keating said

at 9:15 am on Jan 16, 2010

nice use of tech but can't see ya i no y though

Bora Yagiz parents said

at 7:35 pm on Feb 3, 2010

darn my x-mas video is there not my diiary

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